Saturday, February 23, 2013

Smurf Family

Why wear a blue full body zip up snuggie?
(AKA "Smurf Suit")
because it's the Wallden Ice Fishing Extravaganza
(minus the ice fishing). 

...and because my mom has an addiction to
and who could pass up buying these beauties. 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Ruby Roo...and Bella too

Ruby Roo has a new BFF. 

Bella is my dad's dog, 
a big, beautiful, smart and stubborn Newfoundland. 
She is healing after ACL surgery #2
and will likely be living out her life with us...
where she doesn't have to go up and down flights of stairs, 
be tempted to chase deer or get 
tackled by her 170 pound younger brother Beau. 

If you would like a summer weekend or two with Bella
please let us know as Dustin would be stoked
to not have to bring this beast on a row boat to the cabin. 
Seriously, call us. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

 fuzzy pictures but they still perfectly captured 
my toothless girls' goofy personality. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Polar Plunge

I am super proud of my nephew for taking the plunge. 
Watching him made me absolutely sure that I 
never ever ever want to jump into an icy pond. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Pizza Party Sleepover

sleepovers are super fun for kids
and super exhausting for parents.