Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Back to School

It blows my mind that i have both a 
second grader and a kid in kindergarten. 
I really don't feel like I am old enough to 
be a responsible parent of two kids in school. 

Ava was super excited. 
Excited to see old friends and meet new ones. 
Ready to learn the routine of Mr Cooper's class,
see her locker, go to art class...be a big kid. 
She came home and talked for an hour straight. 

Luca was nervous. 
He was quiet at drop off
but stood in line and wore a brave face,
marching off with his Batman backpack.
He didn't share too many details but 
said there were some cool kids and 
wants to go back tomorrow. 
For now, that's enough. 

Me, I'm a proud mama. 

Four months at home without kids
until we start this crazy chaos all over
with diapers and daycare and little sleep. 
I say I am going to organize my house, my photos, my life...
get my s**t together before the next one comes,
but we all know me...

Maybe some take out, daytime tv and a nap. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

my SEVEN year old. 
kind, curious, independent
a fabulous big sister, 
ready to be a teenage.
slow down girl. 

my handsome five year old. 
funny, smart, sincere
still cuddles with his mom and dad,
lover of Legos and all things Superhero
love him

Monday, August 26, 2013


Luca with his BFF Dane

feeling proud

with Mary T, Chris, Jenny and baby Carter

Five years at Meriter Children's Center 
he's "graduated" and moving on. 
Sad, nervous and hopefully excited for Kindergarten. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

warm cabin weekend
frog catching, swinging and swimming 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Jakeapolooza 3

being pregnant and sober apparently affects the 
amount of pictures taken. 
it was a cold weekend but quality people 
and lots of good times celebrating Jake. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Another Year of Motherhood

Long days, quick years. 
Best decisions I ever made. 
Love this bunch. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Celebrating Sue and Dave

Sue - you are absolutely lovely in so many ways. 
Always have been. 
I love that even though we're not every week or even every month
kind of friends these days that when we do get together 
it's easy, and genuine. 

I've loved being your friend from the early days of 
cruising and listening to Snoop dog,
to overseas adventures when we were young and carefree,
barefoot and wine buzzed and so so happy, 
to this crazy transition where we're supposed to be adults...
get married, have babies :) 

Dave - thank you, for making Sue a happy woman. 
Dustin and I are so excited for the two of you, truly. 

I felt so lucky to be a part of this Mexico celebration. 
Great location, beautiful people, good good times. 
(we all know how much i love to party at weddings)

For Dustin and I it was needed time away. 
Time to spend together and without kids, 
time to feel like free adults who can eat a late night dinner,
wander around without a plan,
or order one too many margaritas without judgement. 
time to miss our kids. 

I am still overwhelmed by the amount of photos 
that I took and someday hope to organize and edit. 


sometimes even The Flash cant keep from 
falling asleep mid day. 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

To My Birthday Boy

how is it that you're five?

i love that you still sleep with your big sister every night
and tell us that maybe when you're 6
that you'll sleep in your own room. 

i love that you rock the costumes, daily. and that to you
costumes seem appropriate in pretty much any situation. 
mostly i agree. 

i love that your imagination runs wild and that you
can play with your "guys" for hours and hours. 

i love that even though you can be a wild crazy boy 
that you also have a sweet calm side that is so sincere. 
i love that you still love to snuggle.

i love that when i tell you, "you're the best" that you respond
"you're the best mom, mom".

i love you big kid.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Luca!!!

When your mom and dad go to Mexico for your birthday you get 
all kinds of parties. A friend party, a family party,
a grandparents party and a day after your birthday
because we're home party. :)

Luca again wanted a Superhero themed party, 
kids came in costume, ran wild, searched the backyard
for ninjas again, smashed up a pinata and ate several servings of cake each. 

I can't believe that my youngest kid is FIVE. Whoa. 

Happy birthday big boy. 

More Birthday Fun

In our house you can pick whatever you want to eat
for dinner on your birthday. Luca wanted chicken
on the bone, mac and cheese and corn. 

I love that in the second series of pictures here that he is
wearing the Buzz Lightyear jammies that has had since he
was between 2-3 years old. The sleeves are snug, his belly
hangs out, the bottoms are more like capris and 
the material is paper thin...but they still make him happy. 

Happy birthday my goofy kid.