Monday, September 26, 2011

Rainy Day Photo Booth (at home)

You know how much we love a photo booth.
Now, with a tripod and photoshop
I made our own at home photo strips.
Spiderman, spider woman and of course...
Buzz Lightyear.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Soccer Team

I missed Luca's first soccer game last week
apparently he played a few minutes and then
refused to play anymore.

All week we have been talking it up,
how cool soccer is, how much fun he's going to have,

soccer may not be Luca's thing.

It all started out well,
he said he would play, even kicked the ball a few times
and then another kid got a foot on the ball as happens
in a game of soccer and that pissed Luca off.

Sheesha and Ava tried to get him out on the field,
I went on the field, another dad tried to get him out,
the coach cheered him on...

At one point he just stood there with his hands on his hips
after that he ran up to a little boy and growled loudly in his face

finally he just laid on the field and refused to move.

soccer may not be Luca's thing.

Instead, he had some fun on the sidelines

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Raspberry and apple picking and a horse pulled
wagon ride around the farm.
When we got home (after a long long nap)
we made apple-raspberry sorbet, awesome.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Current State of Our Home

This picture says it all
about the current state of our home
Why wouldn't an empty case of Miller Lite
function perfectly as a bathroom garbage can?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mema has a cool shower...two sprayers!
makes for long showers when both kids are in there

Later Summer

sad to say good-bye to summertime.
with moving and working and cabin trips
we had very little time to just hang at
"home" for an entire weekend.
much needed, for the kids and for us.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011

First Bus Ride

She was excited,
and then he hesitated,
and then she froze...

And then another little girl ran up.
and Ava saw her excitement,
she made her decision
and ran for the bus,
without turning back.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dear Ava,

Slow down.
Don't get too big too quickly.
Five came way too soon.

Don't forget to snuggle with your mom,
give lots of hugs and kisses to your dad
and play with your brother,
even if you are a big girl now.

Remember that your dad and I love you
no matter what, always. Forever.

" When we find someone who is brave, fun, intelligent and loving,
we have to thank the universe."
-Maya Angelou