Thursday, November 25, 2010


I am thankful for family, no matter what.
Thankful for beautiful healthy kids,
and no ER visits or hospital admissions.
Thankful for friends, who I need to check in on more.
Thankful for my work ladies, who keep it real.
Thankful for my husband, who puts up with me in a way
that I'm pretty sure no one else would ever do.

Very very thankful.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oh yeah, two Buzz Lightyears.
Ben brought his own costume to come play at our house today,
what a good friend.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Is she 63 or 64?

My mom was 37 twice.
I'm starting to understand how that could possibly happen.
Happy Birthday Mom!
I am so so very thankful to have a mom like you,
a friend to chat with over a bottle of wine
or to call and complain about life stresses to
someone who will check in on me when I'm sick
watch the kids when I'm in need
and blame for the forehead crease that I inherited from you.
Love You

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


wears the kids out,
wears the neighbor puppy out.
win win relationship,
except for the fact that they now want a puppy.