Friday, November 11, 2011


something magical has got to happen today.

me...i'm looking forward to going back to work
to escape home improvement projects.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

And this explains the lack of blog posts...

The house has consumed us.
What started as a mini kitchen update has
become a huge, huge project.
Old houses just do not have straight even lines.
We should have remembered this lesson from the
Busse Street kitchen floor installation of 2004.
That was fun.
Apparently the light at the end of the tunnel
has been spotted by Dustin,
this coming weekend there will be ceramic tile!

My body hurts from painting every
ceiling, wall and closet in the house.
Yes, closet. Don't ask.

Slowly, the master plan is coming together.

I have already decided that after we are officially
in the house and the holidays have passed
that I am not leaving the house for a month.

Please visit. Bring wine.