Sunday, January 30, 2011

Paris the Snowman

Ava REALLY wanted to make a snowman on Sunday.
The snow REALLY didn't want to pack.
With a lot of work on Dustin's part and some help from the steam
of the dryer vent a great mini snowman was made.
Ava named him Paris - not sure where that came from.
She giggled and giggled (as she ate the carrot too big for his face)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mama Mia

Mama Mia, martinis, dinner,
much needed time with the mama and sis.


Super fun, super exhausting.
The last picture shows Luca laying down on his belly
on the hill, too tired to make it up.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Licking Snow

(the day before) the coldest day in Wisconsin history.
ok, i have no proof to back up that fact but it for sure feels like it.
Luca's favorite outdoor activity...laying on his belly and licking snow.

Snow Angels

Costume Party

Wild kids. No fights, no melt downs, no tears.
Cuddle time from a beautiful baby boy
and a small amount of uninterrupted time with the moms
Good morning.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Sufyan!

One year ago I very nervously watched this little
friend come into the world.
Smiley, sweet one year old Sufyan -
Happy Birthday!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Painting Project

a tea set for Ava to paint
3 cars for Luca
super cool present, thanks Megan and Matti!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


for months she has been asking to "do ballet"
Santa brought her ballet clothes, and shoes.
finally, the day arrived.
she was calm and attentive to Miss Ari,
tried her best to do the moves that i
don't even know the names for.
it was adorable.
it made her smile and me smile...big time.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Later 2010

Apparently "everyone" makes a New Years video...
so says my friend Ruthie.
Here it goes, some highlights of 2010.
(fuzzy for some reason, sorry)